Thursday 29 January 2015

Moved in

Finally we are in our new home in Otterburn. The move went well but we are both exhausted. The Shore Porters were very good, but brought a huge articulated lorry, only the smaller back part was for us, the other was for moving a game keeper (with two motor bikes, various bits of machinery and 14 dogs!) from Ballater to Wooler. The unloading took place between snow showers and now we are reshaping our routines and geography. Woke up this morning to a picturesque covering of snow but it all looked very beautiful. Lots of practical jobs to be done around the house (including re-shelving all my books in some decent order)  but hopefully all will sorted in time for my licensing on Tuesday 17th February.

View from upstairs window

Saturday 24 January 2015

Leaving Party

A big thank you to the folk at St Mary's who put on such a wonderful spread on Friday evening to mark our leaving the parish. Mari and I greatly appreciated the informal way it was done and the nice words which were said. And the very generous cheque. We also recieved a Scottish Quaich Cup and a bottle of whisky to 'christen' it and share. And a bottle of Abbot Ale for some reason known to the men's group. It was fun and sad at the same time. 

Saturday 17 January 2015

Saint Mary's men's group meal

Another great 'send off'. The guys in the men's group decided that I didn't have to pay my share of the bill for this wonderful Indian meal at Nazma in Ellon. Realising how much I will miss them, but hope to meet up at Aviemore railway train (chain) gang in future.

Saturday 3 January 2015

St James Epiphany Party

Epiphany party tonight at St James. Began with a Christmas pub quiz. Then great food, as usual, and great company. And a nice surprise of a farewell gift of a framed painting by a local artist and a very generous  cheque. John said some nice things.  Felt sad that we will soon be saying goodbye to such lovely people. 

Friday 2 January 2015

Lasting gifts

Another farewell, this time at Slater Court. The service focused on the visit of the Wise Men to the infant Jesus. They gave gifts to the child who was himself the supreme gift giver. We reflected on the notion that each new year and each new day is a gift with our name on it. 
Afterwards we sat around a table and shared a cup of tea and Christmas cake and shortbread (of course) and we chatted about the decisions which need making when you move. The residents have all had to 'downsize' from often large houses full of memories to a couple of rooms and that meant a lot of decisions and letting go of things that have often great sentimental value. Yet they now have the gift of each other's company.

Thursday 1 January 2015

Candles for a New Year

'For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.' Ecclesiastes 3.1

A number of us, from both churches, marked the outgoing year and welcomed the new with a short service at St Mary's. I gave a short reading on the importance of hope. We spent a little time reflecting on the past year -where we had been, what we had done, what we had learnt. We thought about those things which had challenged and those things that had strengthened our faith. We pondered what we had lost and what we had gained, and if and how we had changed. Then we focused on the year to come, the things we expect, and the unexpected, the things we are looking forward to and the things of which we are afraid. After a time of quiet we each lit a candle which we placed in front of the altar, symbolising a thanksgiving for what has been and a prayer that Gods love may be present in what is yet to come. After wishing each other a happy New Year (to the sound of fireworks) we shared a short time together over refreshments in the church hall. 



Wednesday 24 December 2014

Christmas Crib Service


Fantastic congregation at our Blessing of the Crib Service at St Mary's this evening. It was great to see all ages together, getting involved in lively, fun  (and sometimes chaotic) worship with a serious message. This is a service which is growing in popularity year on year and, for many, marks the beginning of proper Christmas. We'll see how the other services go but my guess is this will be the best attended.